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Friday, October 5, 2012

Part of the problem

Part of the problem with planning for an apocalypse you really aren't that worried about happening and, if it did happen, are fairly certain, due to location, age and other factors, you would not and would not want to survive should be obvious. I am not all hopped up about the apocalypse. I am not going to move to the Miller Compound (my friend's family's property in Michigan where there are lots of firearms, stored food and good old boys to keep me safe). I am going to stay right where I am in my happy, urban snug little apartment with my useless cats and very precarious situation if anything real should go down. I do have an ace in the hole, so to speak

My boyfriend. A and I have lived together for going on four years and have been dating for going on seven. He knows things. He and his family did a leave civilization and live off the land thing when he was a kid so he knows how to shoot, skin, repair, erect and other things that you end up learning the hard way when you have no electricity and no running water. He will help me in my quest. For example, yesterday I asked him where he thought I might learn how to pick a deadbolt and he said, "Why wouldn't you just break it down?" Good point! So, where can I learn and practice how to break in a secured door? Hmm, smarty?

But he knows about guns, woodsy stuff and isn't sentimental about animals, which, in the event of an actual apocalypse, will be useful. I am not squeamish at all, but I couldn't kill and eat animals that used to be house pets, especially not my own house pets. A would have no problem with that, if push came to shove.

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