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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Kentucky Apocalypsey Dream World

So a thing that happened last week is that I had to go to Louisville. Kentucky! For a week! It was exactly like it sounds: Apocalyptic.

Let me give you an example.

I do the Foursquare thing (don't judge me! I like social media.) and when I checked in at the convention center that would eat the next 120 hours of my life, the "tip" that showed up was, "Try to swing a dead cat and NOT hit 40 rednecks in this place." This tip, while not very helpful, was extremely accurate. (Also, the use of the dead cat phrase brought to mind a scene from Night of Comet where one of the characters figures out everyone is dead or zombies when she sees her neighbor eating a cat. Yuck, but vivid.) The Kentucky accent is completely deplorable. I can totally say that since I am from the real Midwest and I have touches of the East from my parent's stringent pronunciation tutoring. I sound like newscasters want to sound, so I can make fun of that godawful twang. Seriously, I have less trouble understanding people who speak English as a second or third language than these people. But, gosh are they nice. SUPER nice.

So the last few days of training was swallowed whole by a baby and kids show, publishing live content with the help of exactly no one who was helpful and catching some kind of virus that made me think, yet again, that I was patient 1 and I was going to die like Kate Winslet in Contagion. The virus was not helped by the fact that the first night I was there I got mf-ing drunk on bourbon, which is the drink of choice in Louisville. Note to self: do not go glass for glass of bourbon/rocks with a women who is drinking white wine. You will want to die. So that did not assist my immune system, which was already taxed by a narsty sinus infection. Yuck, again.

So, when I returned to civilization, I ordered Thai food, bought Mucinex, got better and started my apocalypse training again. I have taken two yoga classes at my gym that are supposed to center me, making me not panic when attacked by apocalyptic-types. It also makes my butt and shoulders hurt, but that is because I am out of shape. I also started my running training, albeit slowly. A and I are taking our couples archery class this Friday! I am very excited. I watched the first two episodes of The Walking Dead and caught up on last season, which I didn't realize I needed to do until I realized several major characters were no longer with us. I started reading book two of the Passage trilogy by Justin Cronin and OMG is it good! I am so excited! I am thinking of rereading book one because forgot a lot of stuff that seems important now.

So though I haven't been with you, dear reader, I have been busy. More later in the week!

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